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Excel Christian Academy Pre-School 
Discover the Joy of A Quality Education

Thank you for your interest in Excel Christian Academy.  It is our vision to provide the best educational experience within a Christian environment for each of our students.  We take great pride in the fact that our students excel above their peers of the same age both academically and socially.  We strive to create a unique learning environment that is rich in biblical teachings and developmentally appropriate practices.

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Girl with Acrylic Paints

Why ECA?

Excel Christian Academy Pre-School is an outreach ministry of Ebenezer United Church of Christ. ECA offers high quality, developmentally appropriate early childhood experiences for preschool and school age students.


Excel provides children and parents with a comprehensive education through rigorous academic programming within the context of a faith-based center. The integration of both faith and academics ultimately leads to whole child development and the expansion of young minds. 


The staff at Excel is comprised of educated, loving and devoted teachers that desire to assist all children with reaching their full potential. Our goal is to maintain a safe, healthy and cheerful environment where students will not only grow but thrive.



Excel Christian Academy provides child-care services for fully toilet-trained children ages 30 months-12 years (3-12 years of age). We thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your family’s child-care needs and be a part of your child’s early learning years. Please feel free to stop by or call at any time.  


God is central in the classroom.  Children are taught that they are special and loved and in turn must learn to love and forgive.

Emotional Growth

Children are encouraged to develop a healthy self-image and express their true feelings.

Social Growth

Through interaction, children are encouraged to be cooperative, considerate and helpful.

Intellectual Growth

All programs are designed to stimulate intellectual and creative abilities.

Physical Growth

Children are provided a variety of indoor and outdoor activities which allow for vigorous play and large muscle development.


As a ministry of Ebenezer United Church of Christ, Excel seeks to reflect the highest Christian values and the best of care for children. Through our program, we offer the finest in early childhood education and direct attention to the Christian faith. Parents are the primary faith sharers with children and parents choose the religious traditions in which children are reared. Excel seeks to partner with families to assist children in establishing a strong and healthy relationship with God.


Young children are concrete learners and learn primarily through their experiences. Excel Christian Academy recognizes the importance of adults as models of acceptable behavior for children. Adults reflect their faith in God through their interactions with each child and through the words used. Children who see in their teachers such attitudes as thankfulness, sharing, patience, forgiveness, joy, fairness, and obedience tend to pattern their own ways of acting and reacting as they live each day. It is important to:


  • Affirm each child’s self worth


  • Explore the meaning of living together, valuing the rights of others in the classroom, in the community and in the world.


  • See the world as good, marveling at God’s creation, the dependability of night and day, changing seasons and teaching to care for plants, animals, and all living things.


  • Name the children’s actions so they begin to know what sharing, love, kindness, etc. mean and how they are demonstrated.


The primary value at Excel is that every person is valued by God. Through all programs and relationships, we seek to provide an environment where each child has opportunities to develop a sense of self worth and their own unique gifts as a child of God.


Linked to this healthy self-concept is a positive feeling about God and about others. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39)



Whether we use these words or not, our primary goal at Excel is to conduct ourselves and our classes so that children see these commandments lived out each day.

Hours of Operation:


Excel Christian Academy is open from Monday thru Friday, 7am-5:30pm. All children must arrive before 8:30am in order to be admitted for the day. Any child arriving after 8:30am will be denied admission for the school day.



Excel Christian Academy's Application & Tuition Policy:


ECA registration for all students is $75 per child. This fee and the first week of tuition is non-refundable and must be paid at the time of enrollment.


Tuition can be paid weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Tuition is due every Friday before the upcoming week. We do offer multiple child discounts and we also accept Department of Social Services Vouchers.


Excel Christian Academy 

336-229-1982 - Office

336-904-2361 - Fax

825 Apple Street Burlington NC 27217

Bridgette Cannon, M.Ed
Education & Enrichment Administrator

We are an equal opportunity provider.

The Ebenezer Church
734 Apple Street
Burlington, NC 27
Get Directions


Join Us for Worship

Sunday: 8:00AM & 10:45AM

               9:00AM on 5th Sundays
Sunday School: 9:45AM on 
1st-                   4th Sundays
Youth Church: 10:45AM on 1st,                     2nd,
& 4th Sundays

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